Opening hours:
All stores and services open at least 10-20
Doors open 8-21

Responsible Consumption

Front page | Info | Sustainability | Responsible Consumption

More sustainable solutions for the environment

The most important issues related to responsible consumption are the efficient use of materials, recycling and reduction of landfill waste. They are part of the everyday life of us and every business and actor operating in Ideapark. We strive to ensure that all waste generated in Ideapark is reused: either via energy production or materials recovery.

In addition, our everyday action offers our customers opportunities to reduce the climate impacts of consumption in accordance with the principles of the circular economy.

Our concrete actions include:

  • Waste from our shops is collected centrally and by waste component. They can be used as materials or energy.
  • For shops, there is also a small waste point in the yard of Ideapark where people can take their small metal items, wastepaper and glass. Large metal waste can be deposited in a metal dumpster.
  • In the yard of Ideapark, you can find a Rinki eco-point for households and clothing collection boxes of Fida secondhand and the Finnish Salvation Army.
  • Inside the shopping centre, you can find the Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto waste management company’s textile collection points and clothing collection boxes of Fida secondhand and the Finnish Salvation Army.
  • Prisma Ideapark has a Tomra WEEE collection point and a bottle returning point.
  • Many of our shops have different recycling services, encompassing textiles and clothing, electronics, tableware and jewellery. Ideapark features a Fida secondhand store (big Finnish charity chain) and a Kultatukku store (buys waste gold, cleans, services and, if necessary, grinds jewellery to be used again).
  • We strive to use ecological products in property management and campaign materials. The plastic bags of the Tasauspäivät event are made of 60% recycled plastic and the biodegradable balloons are made of natural rubber.
  • All equipment and decorations related to our events will be used multiple times. We take good care of them and tune them to extend their life span.
  • We enable consumers to support local private entrepreneurs and domestic brands (e.g., Lumo shop, FinnLea and Unikulma).
  • We encourage repairs whenever possible. Our facilities offer services such as a shoemaker and a watchmaker.
  • We organise events related to responsible consumption, such as the Zero Emission Day (collaborative partners include the municipality of Lempäälä, the parish of Lempäälä, Lempäälän Lämpö Oy and Ilmastosoturit (Climate Warriors) of Lempäälä General Upper Secondary School) and the Sustainable Development Day, which were organised together with Tredu.
  • Our marketing is responsible and honest. We do not use puffery, and we do not exaggerate.