Driving Instructions

Ideapark is easy to reach! Ideapark is located in Lempäälä, only 10 minutes from Tampere. It is easy to reach Ideapark because it is situated right by Helsinki-Tampere motorway. You can see Ideapark from motorway and just curve to intersection 36 and you will get directly to Ideapark’s front yard.

There are 4000 free parking spaces available. There are also 42 charging points for electic or hybrid cars.

Ideapark is also easy to reach by bus. See timetebles here.

Distances to Ideapark:
from Tampere 17 km
from Tampere-Pirkkala Airport 29 km
from Turku 135 km
from Helsinki 162 km
from Lappeenranta 273 km

Tools for trip planning:
Google maps (maps and routes)
Visit Tampere (Tampere region info)
Lempaala (Lempaala region info)